Specifying Recipe Yield
applies to: nutraCoster 2.1
To specify the yield of your recipe:
- Enter all of the ingredients and quantities for your recipe.
- Use the Add or Change Units procedure to define a unit for the yield. Refer to the article Defining Units of Measure for instructions.
- Use the Production tab of the Change Recipe/Formula window to specify the Processing Yield of your recipe in terms of the unit you just defined.
There are 3 yield numbers associated with each recipe:
- Total Ingredient Weight
- Production Yield
- Processing Yield
The default Production Yield and Processing Yield is 100%, so by default the Production Yield and Processing Yield equal the Total Ingredient Weight.
Production Yield refers to all losses that affect all nutrients equally, such as batter sticking to mixers, spillage, breakage, etc. Production Yield includes the total of all such losses both before and after processing.
For more details about Production Yield, refer to the article Production Yield.
Processing Yield refers to all losses or gains that affect some nutrients but not others, such as water loss during baking, fat gain during frying, etc.
The Processing Yield is the final yield of your recipe.
Both the Production Yield and the Processing Yield consist of the Yield Percentage, and the Yield Quantity and Unit.
Here are step by step instructions to define units and specify the yield of your recipe.
- Click the Add or Change Recipes/Formulas tool bar button (with the picture of the card file). This opens the Add or Changes Recipes/Formulas window.
- In the Add or Change Recipes/Formulas window select your recipe and click OK.
- In the Change Recipe/Formula window, click the Production tab.
- Click the Add or Change Units tool bar button (with the picture of the red measuring cup). This opens the Units of Measure window for your recipe.
- Define the unit as described in the article Defining Units of Measure.
- Close the Units of Measure window.
- In the Production tab of the Change Recipe/Formula window, open the unit dropdown for the Processing Yield and choose the unit you just defined. nutraCoster will automatically scale the Processing Yield Quantity.
- Change the Processing Yield Quantity (the middle box) to the correct yield for the batch you entered.
- Click Save Recipe/Formula.
- When you change the Processing Yield Quantity, nutraCoster will calculate the Processing Yield Percentage. For processes that involve losses, this percentage will be less than 100%.
- The unit you defined is for the weight after cooking. The Processing Yield is the final result of the recipe.
- When you enter Processing Yield in the Production tab, nutraCoster assumes that any losses are water loss. If you have losses or gains other than water loss, enter them in the Nutrient Changes Due to Processing tab.