Entering Recipes
Here is what you need to know about entering recipes in nutraCoster.
- Use the Add or Change Recipes/Formulas procedure to enter recipes.
- Choose File, Recipes/Formulas, Add or Change Recipes/Formulas from the menu, or
- Click the Add or Change Recipes/Formulas toolbar button (the picture of the card file).
- Give the recipe a name.
- If the item description you type does not exist in the Master Items List, nutraCoster will offer to add it for you.
- Enter the ingredients and quantities.
- Use the EasyFinder Search to locate items in the Master Items List. Highlight the desired item and click Ingredient Entered.
- To add a new item that is not already in the Master Items List, type the item description and click Ingredient Entered. nutraCoster will offer to add it for you.
- Enter the quantity and unit. If the unit you need is not already defined, see Defining Units of Measure to define the unit.
- Click Ingredient Done.
- Specify the recipe yield.
- Click Save Recipe/Formula.