nutraCoster tm Professional 3.0
Desktop Version
Nutrition Labeling and Costing Software for Windows
- 2016-style and 1994-style US Nutrition Facts labels in English, French and Spanish, including bi-lingual labels
- 2016-style and 2007-style Canada Nutrition Facts labels in English and French, inlcuding bi-lingual labels
- Mexico Nutrition Facts labels in Spanish, English and French including bilingual labels
- Dual-column Nutrition Facts labels (as-sold/as-prepared, different serving sizes), Aggregate Nutrition Facts labels for assortments, and Nutrition Facts labels for individual ingredients
- Specify the width for linear Nutrition Facts labels
- Include ingredient listing with Nutrition Facts label
- Include allergen statement with Nutrition Facts label
- Save Nutrition Facts labels in various graphic formats, including JPG, PDF and SVG
- Calculate calories and nutrition for each menu item
- Unlimited number of menus
- Unlimited number of menu items for each menu
- Use any menu as a menu item in another menu. This allows submenus like Appetizers, Entrees, etc. to be easily combined
- Create the menu nutrient grid report to summarize nutrition data for the entire menu
- Calculate cost and profitability for your entire menu
- Calculate nutrient content and print Nutrition Facts labels for your products, including added sugar, Potassium and Vitamin D
- Account for nutrition changes during processing, including moisture loss/gain and fat loss/gain
- Determine which ingredients contribute calories, fat, etc. to any recipe
- Calculate Carbohydrates, both Net Carbohydrates and Effective Carbohydrates
- Calculate eligible Nutrient Content Claims
Recipe Maintenance

- Unlimited number of recipes
- Unlimited number of ingredients and an unlimited number of process steps for each recipe/formula
- Use any recipe as an ingredient in another recipe. This allows mixes, sauces, batters and doughs to be easily used in more than one product
- Account for moisture loss and other nutrient and production losses
- Scale recipes to calculate the cost and ingredient requirements for any size batch
- New! Import recipes from ESHA Genesis (Genesis R&D is a registered trademark of ESHA)
Recipe, Product and Menu Costing
- Calculate Product Costs including labor, materials, packaging and overhead for any size batch
- Uses state of the art production control technology (nutraCoster is a true multi-level Bill of Materials).
- Calculate gross margin or selling price for each product or menu item
- Explore “what-if” scenarios as margins or costs change

- Divide each process step into Setup Time (which is constant for any size batch) and Assembly Time (which is proportional to batch size)
- Assign one or more workers to perform each process step
- Assign each worker to a Labor Class
- Use the Labor Cost Calculator to assign a burdened labor cost to each Labor Class, including taxes, benefits, etc.
- Use the Overhead Calculator to accurately calculate total overhead costs
- Allocate overhead to products or to labor classes
- Determine the overhead contribution to cost for any product or menu item

- Scale recipes by printing any report for any batch size or serving size
- Product Costs including labor, materials, packaging and overhead for any size batch
- Calculate gross margin or target selling price for each product or menu item. Flag products whose actual margins are deviating from the target
- Ingredient lists for any size batch
- Menu reports - including Menu Detail Report, Costed Menu Report, Menu Nutrition Report, Menu Nutrient Grid Report
- Nutrition Content for any serving size
- Nutrition Contribution by Ingredient
- Serving Size Helper - Suggests Serving Sizes based on reference amounts
- Yield Helper - Aids in specifying recipe yields
- Process Helper - Calculate water loss/gain for processes that involve both, such as frying or boiling
- Groups Helper - Specify a Group or Subgroup for an item
- Units of Measure Helper - Helps define units of an item
- Labor Time Calculator - Calculate Setup Time, Assembly Time and Time Scaler from measured times for any 3 different batch sizes
- Network ready
- Security features - require user login and/or password
- Control access to any procedure or report for any user
- Create manual backups or schedule automatic backups
- Automatically install Updates
- Track changes to all data files - find out what changed, who changed it, and when
- New! Import recipes from ESHA Genesis (Genesis R&D is a registered trademark of ESHA)
- Requires Windows 7 or later or Windows Server 2008 R2 or later